Sunday, 3 June 2007

Marylebone Station

Pub: The Victoria and Albert
Address: Marylebone Station
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We took a trip to Marylebone Station on a bus and waded through the aroma of fresh flowers to the V&A. This pub had the feel of a gentlemen's club with its low leather sofas, high ceilings and gilt-framed mirrors. This impression was slightly dented by the fruit machine, the pool table, and the barman surreptitiously slurping beer from the tap when he thought nobody was looking! Kate "Mad Hatter" Llewellyn moved to a distant table to smoke. (A month later and the table would have needed to be more distant still, due to the new smoking ban.)

Gareth "bootilicious" Rees bought a "Mountain Gorgonzola" from the International Knob Cheese Centre. Outside again, we were joined by Tom "Badger Badger Badger Badger" Aston.

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