Sunday, 3 June 2007

Northumberland Avenue

Pub: The Sherlock Holmes
Address: 10-11 Northumberland Street
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People weren't just drinking outside, but on the other side of the street! Inside, the bar is decked out with Holmes memorabilia (including the head of the Hound of the Baskervilles). A television shows the definitive Jeremy Brett TV episodes.

Once we had our drinks, Greg "Tug" Withnail asked the other tokens to rate their levels of intoxication from 1 (able to competently and legally land a 747) to 10 (in need of a hospital or morgue.)

The results were as follows:

James "Ironman" Llewellyn: 5
Kate "Mad Hatter" Llewellyn: 3.5
Sarah "Jalopy" McDonald: 7
Tom "Badger Badger Badger Badger" Aston: "Er... eh?" (Taken to mean 11)
Gareth "Bootilicious" Rees: 5.5
Kenny "Dirty Dawg" Cramer: 8
Greg "Tug" Withnail: 2

Greg "Tug" Withnail: "And how about women Tom?"
Sarah "Jalopy" McDonald: "Greg showed me his pubes when we were kids!"
Tom "Badger Badger Badger Badger" Aston: "The number of Greater London pubs I've done is literally thousands."

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