Sunday, 3 June 2007

Pentonville Road

Pub: The Castle
Address: 54 Pentonville Road
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A short walk from the Angel brought us to The Castle on Pentonville Road for 12:15.

This was the first pub where the price of a round elicited sharp intakes of breath. Having said that, it was an immaculate-looking joint, with a roof terrace which - given the fantastic weather - we were obliged to take advantage of.

Actual album cover.

Kate "Mad Hatter" Llewellyn: "I just need to retouch my make-up. My face is all bruised, you see..."
Gareth "Bootilicious" Rees: "Flange!"
Barman: "Please, what is it meaning, 'neat'?"
Greg "Tug" Withnail: "Cutesie toilet doors."

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